
Over the last few weeks’ customers have been seeing the transition from the iconic Briess brown paper bags to a new, strong and tear-resistant laminated, woven polypropylene bag. We are very excited to get these bags in the field for customers to use in their day-to-day routines.

With this transition, to provide our customers with the best quality bag possible, we continue trialing variations of the new bag. It is likely you will see phases of white laminated, woven polypropylene bags for a limited time. Our new bags offer customers many benefits, including:

  • Puncture and tear resistant
  • Recyclable
  • No shred cutting with a utility knife
  • Easy to handle
  • Consistent pallet size and weight
  • Water resistant
  • Slip resistant

If you would like to share feedback of your personal experience with the polypropylene bag trials, please feel free to send your comments to  with the subject line entitled “Poly Bag Feedback”.

We are confident you will be satisfied with the final bag selection and appreciate your patience during this transition.

Best regards,
